Lipids, Dyslipidemia, and Atherosclerosis
This is a comprehensive course that covers all aspects of lipid homeostasis, dyslipidemia, atherosclerosis, and drugs used for these disorders. The course is appropriate for medical, pharmacy, and nursing students. It starts with the basics and goes into great depth of how disruptions in specific protein functions give rise to different types of dylipidemias. The course finishes off with the description of current drugs in the market used to treat dyslipidemia. The underlying mechanisms, pharmacokinetic properties, toxicological issues, and drug-drug interactions are all described in an easy to understand manner. ANIMATIONS are employed throughout the course to describe mechanisms.
- Medicinal Chemistry included
- Over 5 hours of presentations
- Divided into 20 topics
- PDF summary notes with color schematics
- Quizzes
Course Content